TechStars and AdvoCharge: Doing More, Faster!

TechStars and AdvoCharge: Doing More, Faster!

Thanks to TechStars for a Great Night!

We all had a fantastic time at Tahona Tequila Bistro for drinks, munchies, and old-fashioned face to face socialiZING (the original social media) with eye contact, handshakes, fist bumps, or the new one Robyn learned from Roximity – the hand-hug!

We were thrilled to meet all of you and to learn more about your amaZING concepts coming to life. August 9th will prove to be a transformative day for all of you.  And it will be our pleasure to say “we knew you when…”

Take a peak at some of the pics from the event on our Facebook page


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