Mobile App Pricing Heats Up, But Better Deals Can Still Be Found

Mobile App Pricing Heats Up, But Better Deals Can Still Be Found

Apparently the mobile swiping war is heating up as is evidenced by the competition between Square, PayPal and Pay Anywhere.  A nice, brief article on the website All Things D covers this recent phenomenon.

What we at AdvoCharge find interesting is that in none of these cases does the price being charged reflect a good deal for a merchant accepting over $3000 per month in sales.  These mobile solutions are great for sporadic users who may only accept a few hundred dollars a time (think artists at festivals or small local farmers at a one-off farmer’s market), but if you’re a merchant, even the aforementioned artists and farmers, who are pulling in more than a few thousand a month, you will be paying far too much by using these services such as Square, PayPal Here, and Pay Anywhere that have grabbed the spotlight.

Look for our article in an upcoming AskDaveTaylor that will outline just why these solutions are really not all they’re cracked up to be and how you can do much better by working with AdvoCharge.

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